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Common Questions: Tax Sale Short Videos: $39 each (Intro One is Free)

Common Questions: Tax Sale Short Videos: $39 each (Intro One is Free)

Regular price $ 0.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 0.00 USD
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Select one or many of the following short videos, $39 each, except "Tax Certificates/Deeds or Tax Lien Laws--Which One Applies?" which is free. Price totaled at checkout. Most videos 20-30 minutes total, some are slightly longer.

  1. Tax Certificates/Deeds or Tax Lien Laws--Which One Applies?
  2. How long do redemption rights last for a tax certificate/deed?
  3. How do I sell my tax certificate/deed property?
  4. When and how can I take possession of my tax certificate/deed property and why is it important to do that as soon as possible?
  5. What is a quiet title lawsuit, how much does it cost, and can I do it myself?
  6. What does a quitclaim deed accomplish; where can I find forms; and can I do it myself?
  7. What happens after I buy my first tax lien property?
  8. Will I be reimbursed for my repairs if someone redeems my tax sale property?
  9. How long do redemption rights last for a tax lien?
  10. When do I get a warranty deed for my tax lien property?
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